Friday, February 13, 2009


“If we weren’t crazy we’d go insane” I think that is what the country singer whined.

In the AD world that is sure true. Being crazy is my biggest resource.

For a lot of my life I have identified myself to customers as “Crazy Dave.” In all of those times, no one has ever said: “No you aren’t crazy.” At the same time people drive down my street who don’t even know where I live and say: “That is Dave’s house!”

Say “Crazy Dave” and people who know nod in agreement.

So maybe being crazy is a good.

Today is that occasional day that is supposed to be bad luck or something. Today is not bad here, just cold. I had intended to pull the front door off the house for a bit to replace and repair the weather stripping, but it was below freezing with a 21 mph wind blowing, so I think I’ll let that part wait a bit.

I know I should have done it when it was warm, but I was busy then! Besides, I just decided how I wanted to do it. The thinking is what takes the time.

Ya gotta be crazy. . .

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