Tuesday, June 22, 2010

53 cookies

Sunday was Father's day.

It is not one of those big time deals, and I really did forget it about it.

We were camping in Eastern Oregon, up in "Paint Your Wagon" country. Verizon people had phone contact, but the one that claims the best nation wide coverage (ATT) had none.

So I missed the messages from my daughters. And, once I got back within range my new phone, it turned out, is not set up to answer voice mail yet, so I still do not know what the messages were (or were not!).

But, we met Arline (daughter 1) to pass Griffy up the line of family, and she had a gift for dad.

53 cans of my favorite libation: Dr. Pepper Diet, as well as 53 cookies, in frozen dough form, for my enjoyment. Arline made the cookies, and froze them, so these were not some factory jobs.

"Do you understand the significance of 53?" I have been a father for 53 years!

The first year I was a father to be, but Miriam was definitely pregnant, so that year was counted.

Thanks for the wonderful memories daughters dear.

Somehow it does not seem that long.

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