Monday, June 9, 2008

another graduation

It might seem that we never stay home.

My last post was about going home from Alan’s graduation. Now we are in Portland and tomorrow Emily graduates from middle school. We were home for a couple of weeks.

Portland this time of year is wet and cool and this is no exception. The sun shown yesterday and we worked out in the yard a lot. I stopped mowing the back yard when I noticed that the neighbors were outside sitting in their back yard, and I know how much noise can bug me.

Today it is a bit rainy, but I will finish. There is a mysterious leak in daughter’s studio roof, and I’ll do some caulking and cleaning. Maybe I can solve the problem, maybe not.

Saturday we spent with friends Ron and Rozella along with a friend of Stefanie, who lives here in Portland. It was good.

Tomorrow we have the graduation for Emily then on Wednesday we go south and then on home on Thursday.

Someone said that life is what you do while you are waiting for something to happen. In a lot of ways we are waiting for another shoe to drop.

Ron is doing well with his Alzheimer’s. He and Miriam are about the same place in the disease. They do well but forget easily. Still both are wonderful people.

We left our garden in the care of a neighbor and our house and mail in the care of another neighbor. It will be good to go home again, but if it ever warms up a bit, the camping bug will bite me.

And we will go again.

Though not so far.

1 comment:

rainbowheart said...

I hope that you and Ms. Miriam have a safe and wonderful trip. Enjoy the time with Emily. We have our grand daughter Skylar for the past 7 days and we have enjoyed the time with her. She is learning so many new words but David loves the fact that she can say "PAPA". And she usually calls him with a huge smile on her face. She is a wonderful little girl and the apple of her Papa's eye.

P.S. how is the garden doing? I put up 14 quarts of pickles and 19 quarts of string beans Saturday afternoon. We are picking squash on a daily basis and we will have okra by the weekend.