This morning, for breakfast I made a fruit smoothy.
That is not unusual, I do that often. But this time it had a secret ingredient!!
I started out with a bit of plain yogurt, added a cup of left over applesauce, and a half cup (more or less) of some pineapple left over from my last upside down cake.
Put in a fresh banana and a big fistful of frozen strawberries. I looked at the tofu but didn't add any!
That is all pretty standard stuff, but along the way I included the secret ingredient.
There was part of a can of diet cola in the refer and it went in too.
When I talked to Emily (granddaughter 2) on the phone, she summed it up: Icky.
But it was pretty good, but I made too much so what is left is in the bread I am making now (along with a pint jar of home canned prunes, for good measure). So, as I said to Emily, there is diet cola in the bread.
You know what she said!