Monday, March 29, 2010


I live a rather alone life.

Not really lonely, as long as I have my Miriam's mind even a bit, but largely alone.

In my life I have not had a great number of really close friends, but neither have most of my contemporaries. I am not sure Miriam has had any other than me.

The longest close friendship has been with Gene. We were freshmen in high school and in the 55 years since we graduated from high school, we have kept a conversion going. Mostly.

We have never lived in the same time zone during those years. Gene is a genuine scientist and teacher. I am an artist and doer (maybe).

We will have a rabid conversation for a few years and it tapers off and we are out of touch for a while, then it begins again with great intensity. We have been out of touch now for some years now. When we met at our 50th anniversary of graduating from high school Gene introduced me to his new wife and we visited a few minutes.

He was moving and did not have an address and neither of us followed up.

Then this week I got an email saying that a Gene had asked to be my friend on Facebook. I am on Facebook, but I am not very into it, I don't follow it too closely.

He was anxious to reconnect. He lives in Wisconsin now. He and his wife have been caring for her aging parents. Mom is gone now, but at 93 Dad keeps plugging along.

Gene was a college Biology professor for most of his life, so talking to him is like having a genial conversation with the wizened Professor.

We don't have to agree on much of anything. We just throw ideas back and forth, sometimes in very rapid form. It is that exchange of ideas and thoughts that has kept this conversation going.

Glad we are back in touch old friend.

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