Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Some one who was supposed to know was asked about the most important inventions of the 20th century and his answer: Air Conditioning.

He did not say it was the best invention, but it made the most impact on humans. In the US people did not live, in any big numbers, in really areas that were really hot. There were ways to cope, but getting into a black car that had been sitting in the sun was not an easy one.

So last month we discovered that the AC on our little car (the first car we ever owned that had AD) was not working. The problems was a broken hose, but the car had the old refrigerant, which is very spendy, when it can be found. That made fixing it involved converting the system to the new coolant.

So a discussion began -- in my head. We lived for 5 years in Texas without AC in our car. Of course we could do it again, and if we really had to we could take the pickup which has a good AC!

Our house is not air conditioned, but when I designed it I designed it so it did not need AC to be comfortable, and my design has proven itself.

With the tight money that is associated with retirement, the discussion in my head goes on. Of course every time we get in the car my dear one asks about it and asks often. But, until I win the lottery (I don’t even buy tickets, so it is a very long shot), we will be uncooled in the little car.

We will be OK.

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