Sunday, January 16, 2011

mud season

An author I admire said that Vermont had three seasons: summer, winter and mud.

Here in the land of the Ides we are warming up a bit, which means that the frozen ground becomes mud. Good slimy mud.

Tomorrow we were going to bring the trailer around from the back of our property. We own two triangles with a stream down the middle. In order to walk to the back of our property I use a foot bridge I built decades ago. To take a vehicle to that side requires driving 5 or 6 blocks.

But tomorrow we will have mud on the back road.

In our valley, we irrigate with water from the high mountains that goes into man made reservoirs before being sent by miles and miles of canals and ditches. The road on the back of my place is along one of those canals. I own the property, the county says, but the ditch company maintains it or not.

One year I got my pickup stuck in the mud and I just left it there for a week or two. No one could get by or steal it.

So tomorrow I will do something else.

The mud wins. Again.

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