Wednesday, February 9, 2011


When I got up yesterday morning, I knew it would not be a ‘regular’ day.

The floor was moving, my head was swimming and I almost fell. I knew right away what I would do for the day. Take a jolt of antihistamine, and be chairfast for the day.

The first time I had one of these vertigo attacks was a long time ago, and while I was laying there reliving the “Space Odyssey” experience, I tried to figure what was wrong with my head. I thought it had to have something to do with an inner ear infection, and that antihistamine would be the best treatment.

I was a college senior at that time (I am a slow learner, I was in my late 40’s when I graduated from college). College clinics do not have a good reputation, but this one was pretty good. A retired doc talked to me and confirmed my diagnosis and treatment.

Except that mostly it was a matter of laying low for a bit and resting, even if I wasn’t tired.

So I spent yesterday in my recliner. I don’t mind some time there, but all day?

Today I feel better, but I’ll be a little careful.

Inner ear. Hmm.


bjn said...

Other than using the behind the ear patch, the next best cure I have found is doing the respositioning exercises. There is a diagram on this site:

dave said...

Today, the 2nd day, I am about as normal as I can be. Usually that is how it works for me.
Thanks for the suggestion.

Creatrix Dea said...

how weird. I am in bed with vertigo today! It happens to me every so often too! Hereditary??