Monday, July 18, 2011

moving day

Today is leaving day - again.

My Cargo Trailer is 1/3 full, we will load the living room furniture in it next, followed by dining chairs. The big heavy dining room table will go in the back of the pickup, upside down. It will ride well that way.

Right now I am tired, even after i had a good night's sleep. This is a lot harder emotionally than I had expected, and that makes me tired.

I have been gone a little over a week now and I look forward to hugging daughters and granddaughter, but mostly Miriam. I told Daughter to tell her mother that I was going to hug mother until she squealed. Miriam laughed when she was told.

Yesterday I visited friends: the widow of a dear friend, my insurance agent (I built her kitchen cabinets), several other friends. It was good, sort of a good bye for now.

The trip is about 250 miles, but with a trailer I drive pretty slowly, so it will take a bit longer, maybe 4 1/2 hours. I have towed this trailer with this pickup for a number of years and they are a good combination. I will be comfortable. But I will stop to rest a few times. I am not a driving hero.

A friend who is an editor/writer/lecturer, has developed a huge blood clot in his leg, largely from not moving around often enough. He is two months older than I am. Lesson: Don't sit in one position too long.

There are 5 very nice rest stops along the way. I won't stop at all of them, but probably a couple.

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