Thursday, September 8, 2011


Dreams are so flimsy.

It is amazing how little it takes to make a dream go bad.

Last night's political debate was interesting. One strategist advised to never base your plan on what the other guy may or may not do. They change their direction and you are in tall grass.

Selling property is like that, I guess. Your joy (a sale) is based on someone else's actions, which can be influenced by well meaning and not so well meaning friends and family.

Which makes it all sort of a house of cards.

But we are not kids any more (75 next time). To be really useful for the last of our years, a tad of money would be better sooner than later.

And, speaking of the Lord's leading. Up to this point everything was falling into place.

Rent the place? Past record on that one was 2 good renters and one extremely bad one.

Not much assurance there.

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