Sunday, February 12, 2012

must the show go on?

At church this week there was a LOT of big music.

The church I attend is connected with a bible college. The college has a very fine music department creating a lot of great musicians. The wind ensemble performed along with 2 different choirs. The performance was fabulous and lended so much to the service.

In total there were 150 to 175 people on the stage at the same time (about capacity!). A lot of musicians.

The choir was made up of a small choir in the center with the large choir divided on both sides.

There is a young lady who sings in the large choir. She arrives at the front of the building riding, standing, on an electric scooter device. She wears braces on both legs and walks with two canes.

When she needs to go up the stairs to the choir seating, she cannot navigate the stairs, so a man picks her up and carries her up the steps. She is not very big, which helps.

This time, just as the combined choir was ready to sing, there was a crash. The lady with the crutches had fallen.

The conductor had his baton raised to start. He lowered the baton and waited until the young lady was steadily on her feet, then he raised the baton and began.

I have known a lot of musicians in my life, photographed a bale of them. Not all of them would have waited so kindly for something like this. Many would have “the show must go on” attitude.

So I commend the director, who patiently waited until all was ready to go, and I commend the young lady for persevering in her desire to sing in the choir.

Thank you each.

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