Friday, August 16, 2013

good bye

I saw Miriam last Wednesday morning.
It was a little after she laid down for her morning nap when I got there. I sat in the recliner and watched her sleep. It wasn’t long before I took a nap too.
When I woke it was time for me to go, but she was still sleeping. I knelt down beside her and kissed her awake. We visited a bit. She was sure I was the neighbor boy, but that is OK. I told her I loved her and she said she loved me too. 
Then I told her I had to go and she said that was OK and told me good bye.
Good bye’s are not always so easy. Usually she will beg me to take her with me, that she can help me, but this time she just agreed to let me to.
It is good to see her, but it is heart breaking at the same time.
That is just the way it is.

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