Thursday, January 24, 2008

i feel old some days

This next piece is by our 2nd daughter Lora. I asked her permission to include it here in my blog.

Lora is an RN, works nights delivering babies, which can be joyful. But she is also involved in her community and her church, and this piece shares some of her burdens.

In a family of artists, Lora has always been the “word girl” as my mother refered to her when Lora was just learning to read. She has artistic skills as well, but it is her words that give me assurance at this moment.

Today at my church there was a meal and social for “The Young at Heart.” I did not go, or want to go. I may be a lot of things, but young at heart is not one of them. Some days I feel old.


Anonymous said...

While I do understand the current MO that you're in... Daddy, you're a very young 70. I look forward to my 70's as I watch you.

Hang tight! You are much loved!

Spring will come again. Really. :)

dave said...

It won't be a day too soon, this spring stuff.
My garden seeds are right beside my chair, ready, ready, ready.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting my seed catalogs out this week. I've stashed away about $300 to use for seeds and plants this year and it's about time to make some decisions. OHYEAH!!! Cure my winter blues by growin' dreams.

Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes, squash, beans, peas, carrots, radishes (can start those pretty soon! :)) OHHHHHHHhhYEAH!!!

dave said...

If you have any plants or seeds left, you know my address!