Thursday, November 27, 2008


I have never made a thanksgiving dinner before.

My mom, grandma, or Miriam always took care of that detail.

The day was spent working on a door into our down bedroom. It did not go terribly well, but we have company tomorrow, so I got it so it would work, and let it go.

I cleaned up a bit while Miriam finished working on a batch of cookies she was making.

Being vegetarian it is quite impossible for me to worry about fixing a “regular” dinner.

So I made potato soup. I got the recipe from The recipe called for “heavy cream” so I used the poor people’s version: evaporated milk. When it was all finished, I put it in the bowls and sprinkled some selantro on top.

I also made some biscuits. Miriam made a salad, and in my fiew no thanksgiving or christmas dinner is complete without cranberry sauce, so I opened a can.

Of course there was grape juice to wash it all down. Shucks I even lit a candle.

It was a good meal with enough soup left over that will go in the freezer for another day.

It is not my goal to have a lot of thanksgivings with jsut the two ofus, but we can if we have to.

As long as I am not expected to do that proper dinner we can make it.


rainbowheart said...

Oh Dave,
I hope that your day got better. I would never even know where to begin if I had to cook a vegetarain meal. I hope that you have a wonderful visit with your company tomorrow. Take care and I hope that Ms. Miriam is doing well. Happy Thanskgiving!

dave said...

Thank you.
Miriam is doing well, but as well as I wish.