Thursday, January 1, 2009

proud papa

Christmas day I was watching dinner being prepared.

We were to have about 25 people for dinner, there was a lot of food that had to be prepared. The daughters had volunteered to cook (had they not volunteered the food would have been in short supply). While they worked, I was the designated watcher!

Our oldest daughter's house, where we were staying, has a good big kitchen, with a 3 ½ by 8 foot island in the center. In actuality it is the social center of the whole house.

My daughters were all working. There was not room for me, or I did not look for room maybe. Miriam was putting a puzzle together in another room. I watched in pleased amazement.

The four girls work together, they laughed, they teased about who was in charge of what, the cooked and had such a great time. Each of them are avery fine cooks in their own rights, but their styles vary quite a bit, but here they worked in wonderful harmony.

I was so proud to be their father. Later in the preparation, Mandy, who is our oldest grandson’s new wife (OK, they have been married a year and a half) joined in and the 5 of them worked as a wonderful crew.

Of course the dinner was wonderful, but what will always be in my mind and memory is the picture of the love and cooperation I was seeing.

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