Tuesday, July 14, 2009

teeth and dentists

I broke another tooth the other day

This was an upper tooth and after I broke a corner off, the old filling fell out.

My teeth have been good. I was blessed with good hard teeth, but I the last few years the back ones have just been disintegrating. One went from workable to gum line in a bit over a day.

So I went to see my Dentist Friend Gary. Gary’s dad and I graduated together from high school, class of 1902, as I told Gary’s assistant. (OK it was ’55). Gary and I have been good friends for a long time.

He looked and made small talk and took pictures and talked waiting for the film. We arrived at a plan that I thought I could live with.

His office lady made appointments with two high tech dentists. The kind that works with a microscope and studies a big computer monitor, that kind. One was to take out an ailing tooth and the other one is doing root canal therapy, as Gary called it.

A bridge would be a good solution, but I built a house for what one of those would cost!

This morning I checked with them on the price and canceled the root project. It is a good idea, and I will pay later some how, but it was way over budget.

I will get one “extracted” as they say, and start learning how to gum my food! OK, not quite.

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