Wednesday, September 16, 2009

only in america

I have several friends with a serious illnesses.

Most have the illness under control now, hopefully it stays that way. Most have insurance because they have/had a job, so all is OK for now.

But. . .

What if that job went away, because work was not possible with the illness, or the employer went bust or for a hundred other reasons.

Insurance would not be available at anything reasonably close to affordable because of the “prior” conditions. Reality is that the families most likely join the millions who have no insurance and no hopes of getting -- until they were 65.

In fact, except for intervention by some governmental agency, care for their diseases, when more care might be necessary, could/would be in jeopardy.

Some of have been living over their abilities to pay and to live healthfully but not all. Many have lived very carefully and frugally. Many have lived as healthful lives as they could as well.

But all of this careful living and careful spending could be wiped out by the randomness of a disease they neither deserve nor asked for.

Only in America.

1 comment:

arutherford said...

Very well said Dave. I agree with you 100%. I often think, there but for the grace go I, when I hear these heart-wrenching stories of sick people, who, through no fault of their own, lost their jobs and can not get decent health care. Only in America is so right.