Thursday, December 17, 2009

true value

I am like a kid in a candy store.

Daughter one is a talented fiber artist. She has a large room stuffed with fiber stuff. I am hardly qualified to sweep the floor in that room, but she continues to find tools and gadgets and fabrics that work so well on my projects.

Daughter is also a MOM (capitals intended), a worker (she is caretaker for two challenged ladies), and a genuinely good person.

Sometimes we think we are doing art/craft people a favor by requesting a piece of their handiwork. Might be and might not. The problem is that it is easy to undervalue the final piece.

Right now she is working on an afghan that has a couple hundred in yarn and a month's full time work (there is no big blocks of free time in her life).

Will the receivers properly value the product?

Reminds me of an artists once who gave one of his favorite hand made pots to a friend for a wedding present. He visited later to find that they were using this prize ceramic gift as a water dish for the dog.

"Never again" said the artist.


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