Saturday, February 20, 2010

on fire

Two local women are in jail in Haiti.

They were detained while working on a project to find homes for orphans. In this case it involved taking a bus load of children to the next country – without much in way of paper work.

The children were in need, some were “given” by their parents, in hope of a better life some way. Of course, I cannot know all of the motives and details. I only know what I read about this story.

But, I have known a good number of souls who are on fire for their god, and wanting to do great things for him, and along the way make themselves a big chunk of profit.

That may not be what is going on here, I cannot know. I am guessing. Sorta.

Years ago a man wanted to hire me as a photographer in a somewhat shady enterprise. He wanted to make a lot of money so he could give a lot to his church. Sounds reasonable, but I was not convinced and turned him down quite abruptly.

If you aren't giving a fair hunk of your low income to your church, I doubt you will give a bigger chunk of your prosperity, but that is my view.

I have worked for and around people who could only be called “sanctified con men.”

Pretty harsh, I guess. But in the search for doing great things for god, somehow it is easy to edge morals and principles a tiny bit, and sometimes even stretch the law more than a bit.

One of the local ladies has a history of either bad business practices or very bad luck. Is that a factor? I cannot know for sure.

Still, I wish them out of jail.

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