Thursday, March 4, 2010


Spring is not here, officially.

But, with temps in the 50's and not too much wind, it is very pleasant to work outside. Official spring is not too far away either.

I did not prune the bramble berries the last year and they are overgrown. Given time old fashioned Oregon black berries will take over the whole farm, so they have to be reminded to stay along the fence. I planted these to make a security fence mostly, with the side of some good berries.

Black berries can send out runners 20 feet in a single season, and the ends of the canes root into the soil, so the patch can expand easily.

But these black berries have thorns: big, sharp and plentiful. I got out my arc welding gloves, to handle the canes.

Miriam helped me. I pruned and she stacked the brush.

Worked well the first day, but the second it was just frustrating to her. So I let the berries go and began pruning grapes, figuring she could help easier.

The plan I have here is to get her out of the house helping me in the garden each day. An hour a day can keep the garden looking pretty good.

She enjoys being with me, and I with her, but her capacities are not what they were, so I have to choose tasks carefully.

But the one thing on my side is plain old weeds (a weed is a plant out of place, so volunteer tomatoes can be weeds). There will be weeds for her to attack.

A farmer is offering free manure, and he will load it! Anything that makes veggies grow makes weeds grow even more!

There will be enough to do.

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