Saturday, April 24, 2010

how many?

Tolstoy asked: How much land does a man need?

His answer was that we need less than we might think.

How much lumber does a retired guy need? Or paint? Or . . You get the idea.

I have been thinking, and acting, on that question lately. The question I keep asking myself: At this age how many big projects am I going to take on?

At one point after Miriam was dignosed we considered relocating (that is daughters and dad considered, Miriam would only shout: NO). You can move and take everything with you. I think we moved the garbage with us once!

I did not find a job teaching after I finished college, so I went back to working at what I knew: construction. But now in my last years, I would like to seriously produce art work. I don't want to sell it, I don't want to make art to impress judges or even my peers. I want to do art for fun, to visually explore my world.

Where will it go? I have no idea, but I can pretty accurately predict I will not be a “Grandma Moses!”

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