Friday, December 17, 2010

in need

Someone once said: "A friend in need is a friend indeed."

That was the time the guy (or gal) needed a friend, and one that would help was indeed a good friend.

Later a wag changed that to: "A friend in need is a pain in the neck."

Makes a difference what side of the need you are on!

I am retired, comfortably retired. (That is not a statement about money but contentment.) I help people sometimes, but when they pull out the checkbook I run. If i like you I may donate some time, but I will not accept money, it messes up my karma. (However Karma figures into all of this.)

And with all of the additional duties I have assumed I do not have a whole lot of extra time to give away.

But a friend called. In all the proper ways I am very fond of her. Her husband is a really specialized mechanic, and his job dried up and the job he got was in another area. Would I come over and give them some advice on fixing their house.

So I went, advised, and offered to do a sheetrock patch that they did not really know how to do. That done I went home (actually any sheetrock work takes about 3 trips, so it was not a quick thing).

As she was on her way out of town she called: "Dave, would you go to the house and repair the linoleum and put the new bath floor in. I will pay you." That last part was poison.

But, they were on their way out the door, and I was cornered.

These repairs look so easy to the ones not doing them, but they are a pain and it will kill a day to do. So, I will delay my trip to Daughter's house by a day. That may put me into a snow storm over the passes, but I have chains and I'll be careful and grr.

And you know I'll somehow forget to even send her a bill!

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