Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I know I should be extremely happy, but I am not.

"We" took out an evil person this weekend. People were rejoicing and partying in honor of the event. Across the oceans a similar party took place when the evil person's most evil deed happened a decade ago.

It seems that both are similar and nothing much to brag about.

I read this morning of a college prof who teaches a class that borders on this topic. Half of his students were exultant about what had happened, some had joined the party, the other half were more introspective and even a bit saddened.

I find my self in the latter category.

It is hard to find joy in the death of any person, good or otherwise. It would be good if their evil were to die along the way, but evil is often a one sided definition. A person who is evil to us may well be a hero to others, and visa versa.

Few in our relatively short history of a nation have changed the way we live and act as much as this man and his actions. We probably overreacted to all of this and surrendered a lot of what we used to think was what American was all about.

I grieve for those losses.

There are times when very unpleasant things have to happen. I know that, but that does not make me joyful.

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