Wednesday, July 6, 2011


There is nothing like living in an RV to remind you of finiteness.

Yesterday the valve on the toilet stuck open a bit. I noticed water running under the "front porch." Hmm. That leaky valve filled the holding tank to overflow. An easy fix, but a reminder.

We have a huge propane tank, but no one knows how much it contains. To fill it requires taking the bus to the propane dealer, or having them come to the bus. Either way it could be a couple hundred clams for the gas. The bus has 3 or 4 smallish gas heaters, but since they are 70's vintage, I am not sure thsey are most efficient, so I plan to use electric heat instead.

The only thing I am using gas for is the galley stove. The oven is a microwave/convection device, electric of course. The water heater is electric.

So how long will the tank of propane last? No one knows.

Storage space abounds, but the space and the object do not always coincide. We will develop strategies!

We had 6 people in here watching TV the 4th of July, then someone remembered that there is a wide screen TV and soround sound in the house, so we moved.

Miriam has a cold and coughs too much. She woke me up. The only place I can go when I wake up early is in the living area. That is fine, but where is my trusty old sleeping bag? Or rather, if it was here, where would I store it between uses? Not sure, but i would find a place.

Almost everything is here that is in a house, just a bit smaller, sometimes several bits.

It is all a big game.

That game will get more interesting as we begin to seriously empty our Idaho house and deal with the surplus.

Some of that won't be pretty!

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