Thursday, October 13, 2011

Someone said you can't go back home.

I went back, but home isn't what it was. I have only been here a couple of days, and I am doing alright, but home isn't the same.

When the house was new it was full of teen aged daughters and their friends, then one by one daughters moved out and on with their lives. Then we moved out to go to the University in Boise and then to a couple of other Universities in Texas.

If that wasn't enough we ended up back in Washington state, in the same town we lived in years before, and live now. But finally we were drawn back to our Idaho home.

Still everything is the same and nothing is the same.

This time I am here alone. I don't mind being alone, in fact I relish alone time, but as I sit here in my recliner (we did not move it!) I remember all of the voices and people who have been in this room. I remember a vibrant Miriam, and that is the point where I stop thinking about it all.

I was born half a mile from where I now sit. I was married, went to grade school, high school a half mile the other direction. It is home, but it isn't the same.

Old guys live their lives in memory, and I guess I am old.


Anonymous said...

Old guys? Try anyone trying to come to terms with what was, and what is now. I too relish the quiet, but with all the changes in our lives, I wish for the noise of not that long ago.

My favorite cousin died yesterday, he was so many years older than me, but he was still my favorite. Wish he could give me that poo poo cushion one more time that he dared me to place under his aunt. I got a beating for that one.

Take all the time you need in the "old space" and then go to the "new space" with a renewed spirit. Well easier said than done.

Just know you are not alone in this journey. Susan

dave said...

I am reasonably at peace with old age. It is not too difficult for me personally as I am in amazingly good health (my doc said so!).
But even with that caveat I am totally aware that I have lived a whole lot more of my life than I have left!
Everyone needs some thing that drives them, gives them an inspiration to get up and get on with things.
Not sure about that one.
Thanks again for your comments Susan.