Sunday, October 28, 2007


We come from a line of great “scratch” cooks.

Both of us.

Miriam was a superb vegetarian cook. She still has more ability than I do, but she is declining and I hope I am improving.

At this point she does pretty well on individual dishes (that info is stored in her long term memory, I guess), but combinations can be wild.

She is not giving up food duty easily, so I have to be sneaky at times. I fix breakfast nearly always, and I have long made our bread. It is moving me moving into fixing dinner that is the rub now.

Sometimes I just get sneaky. Before we went to church, I put some baking potatoes in the oven, and today I put a pot on the stove to be ready for dinner later tonight and I often start something in the slow cooker in the morning.

Sometimes I just grimace and eat a bit selectively.

Make no mistake, my cooking abilities are way less refined than those of my 12 year old granddaughter Bri. Fortunately our daughters carry on their mother's old skills, and improve them.

But I am learning.


~Betsy said...

My dad took care of my mom from her diagnosis in 1999 until he died in late 2005. Before mom's diagnosis, dad couldn't even boil water. But he became a good cook, most likely out of necessity. He loved to eat so it was fitting he learn to cook. After he would master a new dish, he'd call to tell me all about it. I was proud of him and I think he was proud of himself, too.

You're doing a wonderful job with Miriam. Blessings to you.

Unknown said...

Hi Dave,

I have read all your entries and enjoyed learning about you and Miriam and your life together.

I think I became a pretty decent cook over time myself. I became better at when I looked at less like chemistry and more like art.

Blessing to you and thanks for sharing your life.

dave said...

Thank you both.

rainbowheart said...

Hey Dave,
I have read all of your post. Some made me cry some made me laugh. Nothing like a man cooking...toast is good when the DH cooks it..Thank you for sharing your thoughts and love with us. The picture on your blog is wonderful..Our little Stef is amazing....