Monday, March 10, 2008

emily as aphrodite

The play was wonderful. It was a big production with 35 or so kids, plus countless adult teachers, supervisors and technical people.
It was a musical and there was a lot of good music. The story was the old Helen of Troy story, but highly adapted to modern audiences.
Emily did her part flawlessly.
We were proud of her, and I was delighted at the whole production.

By the way, that is called "stage hair!"


~Betsy said...

I'm just now finding some time to get caught up on your blog. Your photos are spectacular! How was the trip? Sounds like a lot of fun, but also a lot of driving.

Just wanted you to know I've been reading, just haven't had too much time to comment lately. Take care, Dave.

Unknown said...

Very nice photo Dave.

Joanne said...

Great pictures, Dave. Sounds like your trip was fun. I don't know how you drive such long distances. I'm too worn out to drive that far anymore. Good for you, though. Keep taking those trips as long as you can.