Sunday, March 9, 2008


I am a hugger.

I hug my friends, male and female. I hug my children, and grandkids.

But with the Alz clock ticking, ticking, ticking. I hug Miriam as much and as often as possible.

We have a footbridge at our house and we frequently meet in the middle of the bridge and hug right there over the water.

I hug her when we sleep. I hug when we wake up.

Her company is still my greatest joy and I want to celebrate that as long as I can.

We spent yesterday with old friends we met about 35 years ago. Ron has Alzheimer's, about the same stage as Miriam. We visited for hours yesterday, the 4 of us in all combinations.

When we left, we promised to meet again soon, maybe to go camping together this summer, and we hugged, long deep hugs.

They are good friends, I would not wish Alz on anyone, but if it has to happen, I am glad for company.

I love you Ron. I love you Miriam.

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