Friday, May 16, 2008

plan b

Plan B.

In the AD world unknowns outnumber plans and options.

We will live in our little house on our acre as long as we can. That is Plan A. Maybe that can be most of the journey and maybe not. There are no declarations on that one.

I had planned a move to SE Washington, long before this. I think that could have been very rewarding. But it didn’t happen. Miriam would not hear of it, and I didn’t want to force the issue.

But eventually, something will change.

Since I have no idea of how well and how long I can care for my Miriam, I am not ready to make a call on that one. If this process takes as long on the 2nd part as it did for the first, all sorts of things could change.

But, after AD, if I am the one who survives, some things might change. That is what drifts through my mind at times.

I must say I am a great fan of small space living. This house is considered small at a bit more than 1200 feet, but I designed it for 6 people and now just the two of rattle around in it.

We have a smallish but very comfortable travel trailer. I gutted it a few winters ago and completely rebuilt the interior. Same design, but all new inside: cabinets, floors, walls, insulation, an so on.

It would make a comfortable place for one person, providing belongings were pared to the minimum. It could be parked at one of two daughters who live 45 miles apart. I would like seeing my daughters more often.

Let’s see. Miriam was diagnosed 8 years ago. If this goes on another 8, our youngest grand child will be college age. That is scary.

Then there is another space on the back of this property. Some neighbors told me they thought it was an old haunted house. Actually it is the back side of my shop, but it opens into a small closed in courtyard. There is some very nice space there.

So, I make notes in my journals, occasionally, I draw a design idea, and I wait.

Tick tick tick tick.
Did any one ever tell you that it is very boring listening to the clock?

Tick tick.

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