Tuesday, September 2, 2008

ahh september

Wow that was a fast and busy summer.

Miriam is going very well. She is fun to be with and we enjoy each others company. She has given up on cooking, which is quite amazing in itself, but she continues to be good at clean up, and I mean real good! I take her with me wherever I go, and she is patient with me.

Mostly we stayed home this summer, only went camping once with one more trip scheduled. One grandson came up for a few days and we took him camping. The price of gas and the budget says we stay home much of the time.

I continue to work on the refurbishing of our church. Last year we remodeled the entire front of the sanctuary, with me doing the majority of the work. Since then we have redone the narthex and and wood base in the hall. I still have bulletin boards to make and one more bathroom to tile.

Today I spray lacquer on the base that will go along the wall in the long halls. The light colored wood base replaces rather ugly rubber base that was put in when the church was new in the '60's.

The church was built at a time when glass was a favorite material. There was a total of six windows, each 5 by 8 feet in the front of the church. In the time I was head deacon I replaced 3 of those due to vandalism. At $500 a pop I balked at the last breakage and eventually replaced all of that plate glass with double glass, but where the original window was huge, now each window has 5 smaller pieces of glass, the total cost ⅔ as much as that huge hunk of plate. It looks good, I am assured.

But all of this winding down. I have a specific list of things to finish, and when it is done I am too. This year I gave up the head deacon post, though I kept my bible study group, which I have lead for most of my adult life.

Anyway, the fresh corn was wonderful, the tomatoes delicious and the string beans were marvelous.

But now fall comes.

Thanks for being patient.


Unknown said...

Welcome back Dave, good to read about you and yours again.

¸.•*´)ღ¸.•*´Chris said...

Welcome back Dave. Missed reading your blog but sometimes life happens, you know?

What a busy summer you have had! I had to chuckle when you said Miriam was patient with you. Sometimes I had to wonder who the more patient one was, mom or me? I really think it had to be Mom most times.

Glad to have you back in the fold again. You were missed:)

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! I missed you! You're an easy, fun read.