Tuesday, September 23, 2008

journaling -- again

I have been a journal keeper for most of my adult life.

That started in my midlife. I think I was about 40 and my head was swimming. I had one of those midlife events and it brought me low.

So I started writing. Not just about that, though I surely did, but about the minutia of life.

It has been a good exercise. Helps organize thoughts. Keeps me from plowing the same ground over and over.

A while back I discovered Moleskines and I thought they were wonderful. I go through 4 or 5 a year.

On my retirement budget and with my art/craft back ground I decided to take up a hobby I that had been tempting me for a long long time: hand made books.

So far I have made a couple dozen. Most are fairly small, 3 ½ by 5 ½ or so. The advantage of making you own is that you ca make them any size you wish. The one I am writing in now is not too much wider, I think it is 4”, but is quite long I can carry it in my hip pocket, and yet each page holds a lot of words.

Making your own books is not necessary, but I encourage every one to write a journal. The advantages cannot be over stated I think.

And to be a total snob about it. I use a fountain pen to write in my hand made book.

What do I do with them? They make wonderful gifts!

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