Friday, October 17, 2008

winter preparation

Grandma would be proud

Yesterday we dug potatoes, enough for the winter. Reds, yellows and whites. Good spuds.

Last week I harvested the flour corn. My neighbor, a vp in a corn seed company, took my corn, still on the cob, in burlap bags to their drying sheds to get it properly dried. I do have good neighbors.

This is supposed to be a very old strain of Indian corn (Anasazi, Flour Corn from Seeds of Change in Santa Fe). The kernels have lots of wild wonderful colors, I suppose the flour will be a shade or grey! I will save seed from the nicest and most colorful for next year.

Today we get started putting firewood into the shed. We have enough there now to get by if we were very careful, but I like to go into winter with the wood shed full (about 4 cords). That is a bit over a two year supply. I collect firewood all year and my wood lot is bulging.

Yesterday we picked up a big trailer load of oversized pallets made with good thick lumber, that will heat us for a few months.

Then I will blow out the water lines on the garden side of our property, coil the hoses and put them away with the sprinklers and get ready for winter. There is no end of things to do.

With all of this activity, I only put in a few studio hours this week. I guess that is how it works, there will be lots more time this winter.

Garrison Keillor once said that if you want to enjoy a Minnesota summer, you have to put in a Minnesota winter. In a nutty way I agree with Garrison.

I know a lot of life is being content with what you have, but I am one who thinks summer is sweeter because of winter, and that putting food and firewood up for winter is a good thing.


¸.•*´)ღ¸.•*´Chris said...

Gosh Dave, how about passing some of that energy over here! I don't have firewood to contend with but I need to clean out the garage, deal with the leaves, wash and put plastic on the windows, clean out my flower beds and pots and put things away for the winter. And here I sit blogging! You have just lit a fire under my butt and I think I will take care of a few of these things on this list before the day ends. I will think of you and your productive ways as I work. Blessings to you and that sweet wife of yours.

Joanne said...

I don't have potatoes to dig, or corn to dry, but I have a boat load of work to get done around both Mom's and my house to get them ready for winter. At least, I've already had the furnace man come in for yearly maintenance before winter at Mom's house. The rest will get done this coming week.

rainbowheart said...

I wish that I was close to you too. I would help cut you wood, split wood, stack wood (in case it needed to season) or put wood close to your back door or on the porch so that you would not have to do it. I am going to get wood for Daddy as soon as Momma gets home. We both have fireplaces and I hope that we have cool weather so that I build a fire in my fireplace this year.
We have cleaned the garden spot up and are waiting for the Spring. We had so many vegetables that we put up this summer and had some to spare.
I hope that you and Ms. Miriam are doing well. Take care...