Tuesday, December 9, 2008

december 7

December 7, but a couple days late

My sister Joyce was born in early May.

I turned 4 in late May.

Our father was killed in late August.

Pearl Harbor was December 7.

All in 1941, The events are permanently tied into my head. So when 1941 is mentioned, I think of all 4 events at the same time.

Father (I always called my step-father Dad -- usually) was the important man in my life that I knew so little, and my sister did not know at all. He was 28, in the prime of his early life, and whish he was gone.

Once I was talking to my aunt (my father’s sister, who at 93 is still kicking, though not as hard as she used to). She laughed and said: “David, you did not even know your father and you are just like him..”

I’ll leave it that way.


StefanieRose said...

you know what i would bet a million on grandpa? i bet your father would have been one of those amazing dad's who maybe was not perfect but who always loved his kids and always wanted to do right by them. because if your just like your father then this must be true.

StefanieRose said...

btw i love you.