Thursday, June 11, 2009

me? depressed?

A man walks into a museum and starts shooting.

He is angry with a whole race of people. In his anger he does his case no good, and we all loose a bit of our freedom.

A deacon is standing in the foyer of his church, I have been a deacon a lot, and have stood in the foyer a lot too. He is shot and killed by a man who says he is “pro life.”

Whose life? What in the world does that mean? We all lost a bit of freedom in this insanity.

I get an email from a friend that claims to show that the first lady of our country is evil, and that an air head politician is somehow good for reasons that have nothing to do with either of them, and I loose again.

I went to a graduation the other day, one of the students praised his teachers for teaching them the evils of socialism. This was a bible school, and all of that is political code. Is that what our bible says?

My church refuses to help some one because they don’t attend church “enough.” What is that all about? We only help saints now? I am angry.

My daughter tells me she has a lump where there should be none. Of course I am stunned. Daughters are supposed to be models of health, and this one is, it would seem, except for that lump.

I am 72 now, and all I can see is that my generation has really screwed this world up, maybe beyond redemption. I cannot be proud.

My precious wife and friend has an incurable disease, and a family member promises he can “cure” her. He is an idiot, but I am not much better. And Miriam continues to deteriorate.

Am I depressed? Of course not, why do you ask? Why would I be?


Anonymous said...

Dad, God is good and He will see us through the toughest times. I was taught that where I grew up :o) I want you to remember! We read Psalm 139 today, twice, how God is everywhere, how he cares for us and knit our being Himself. He will, I promise, He will get us through these hard times. I am completely confident. I may not always feel brave, but I know He is there, weaping with us. L

dave said...

Thank you Lora. This is not a good time for me. I wish I were more confident about everything.

arutherford said...

Oh my friend, I can't imagine your sadness and fear. Sometimes it just gets to be too much.

But, I can tell you I'm a 2x breast cancer survivor and it hasn't slowed me down. And I wholeheartedly agree with Lora, God is walking with you and your family. He understands your feelings and weeps with you. He too was a Father who watched his child suffer. He's standing by for you to lean into and surrender your fear and give you the courage and strength to get through each minute.

I can also tell you that a life-long friend has been in town the last couple of days on business. At dinner Tues. night he asked us about going over to the Holocaust Museum after he finished up his business. Since we were celebrating my birthday while he was here, I suggested the experience would make him very sad and selfishly I didn't want that for our dinner. He called me at 12:35p EDT to tell me he was catching the metro to come home. Had he not done that, he would have arrived at the Holocaust at the exact time of the horrors. Did God protect Him? I think so but random acts of violence are indeed amongst us.

I am praying for God's peace, which passes human understanding, to come into your heart and soul and that Lora will feel His healing touch.

Love to you my friend

¸.•*´)ღ¸.•*´Chris said...

This week has put you to task and brought up a lot of emotion. First with that obnoxious little man, then Mary, your anniversary and your daughter. Of course the things which are going on in the world around us are of no help or even of any promise. Still, we look for better days in the little things God sets in our lives.

Praying for you and for your family. I am sorry things are not good and I wish I could make them better for you. We hurt when those we care about are troubled and that is how I am feeling about this with you. Peace, Dave. You have a beautiful heart.

Unknown said...

I became pretty depressed at one point in my caregiving career. I saw a psychologist for a while and he had me try this TFT by Roger Callahan. I didn't think it would but it helped actually.

Anyway the psychologist gave me a couple of tests and we talked several sessions. He diagnosed me as having moderate anxiety and depression that was situational.

I thought it was pretty interesting because we somehow get this idea that we shouldn't feel depressed ever.

But as you rather correctly point out there are plenty of things that the reasonable and normal response to is to feel sad and/or anxious and/or depressed.

Not that it makes any of us feel any better.