Thursday, June 25, 2009


There must be a rule buried down in the archives of rules about indoor temperature.

We went to a concert. It was 96 outside and inside it was 65. That AC was cranking out cool. A whole coal fired generating plant was in use for that one. The lady in front of us left and came back with a light jacket. I was envious.

A good friend (who reads this blog, so I must be careful what I say!!), says that in the summer his wife wants the temperature in the house to be below 70, but in winter she wants it to be 85. When he tells that story, she nods in agreement!

The first few hot days of the year the inside of my house can be a bit uncomfortably cool, but that changes over time. It never gets really hot inside, unless we have had a couple weeks of over 100 degree stuff, but it does get warmer. I think I like it cooler inside, but not long sleeve shirt cool.

Next concert I go to during the middle of the summer, I will take a long sleeve shirt.

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