Thursday, June 25, 2009

saving for what?

String to short to save?

We have a cupboard in our house full of nice dishes. We do not use them, we are saving them for some unnamed occasion.

When is that occasion?

We have a small box of 9 pieces of chocolate. This is good stuff, not the dime store kind. It was a gift from out daughter who is the designer at the chocolate factory that produces that box.

Will it get better with age? I surely doubt it.

How about those goblets on the top shelf?

I was just reminded of all of this by an email message:

What are we waiting for?

Well, I decided to use those too good to use dishes, at least once in a while, and I have been serving my grape juice in those octagonal glasses that we have had for a long time and are pretty special.

Life is short, as they say. Eat your desert first.

Sometimes, at least.

1 comment:

Susan M said...


I understand. When we moved back to Ga my husband and I decided that if it was "too good" we would donate it. If we weren't going to use it. It was amazing what we gave away and now what we actually use.

No more, it's special. We use it or it goes away. That's especially freeing.