Sunday, July 5, 2009

In the evening, Miriam goes frenetic and I sit and stare.

I think it is called sun-downing with her, with me it is old age.

I used to envy those who did head work for money and came home rearing to go out and shovel some dirt.

My work was always pretty physical and when I came home I was beat. Now in the evening when I am tired and want to sit and stare at my toenails, Miriam is up dithering. I am glad in many ways, because I know this will pass and what comes next will likely be more unpleasant.

It is summer, today was hot and my doc reminds me to be careful with this heat thing. I work till I am dripping and then I sat in the shade and rested.

My kids were never allowed to use the B word (bored) and yet here I am as bored as can be.

Maybe tomorrow?


nancy said...

i think you are entitled to sit and stare. and unfortunately, you are right, to give up mirian's dithering will come other unpleasantries.

Creatrix Dea said...

I'm sorry, but I broke out in giggles at the notion of you bored! Bless you. I've always appreciated how you encouraged us to find interest in SOMEthing. But there is a sweetness in boredom sometimes, eh?