Monday, August 10, 2009


I once said that my garden was about half experimental.

My neighbor, on the other hand, has few experiments in his garden. He plants a row of the same radishes each year (they are the best btw), a row of red beets, a row of cabbage, all the same varieties each year.

From time to time he does vary the variety of tomatoes he plants, but that is about all.

That might seem a bad thing, but his garden is as close to perfect as any I have ever seen. Before he retired, he was president of a local company that is huge in developing hybrid corn seed. Yet the sweet corn he grows is one his company developed a couple decades ago.

Not only is my garden an experiment, but so, it seems, is my life. And having plans for my or our future is a luxury that I am not allowed.

When AD slithers into your life, you live on a different time table, it seems. The disease regulates your life, like it or not.

What are my plans for my future? Not many actually. Most revolve around taking care of Miriam. Where should we live? Any change would upset her, so that is out. As long as she is here in her house with her husband (her only real close friend), she is ok.


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