Tuesday, August 11, 2009

the pillow

We have had a couple of pillows on our couch for a long time.

Leo runs to the window, climbs up on the back of the chairs and couch, looks out at whatever he sees, a cat or a squirrel, then he runs back and grabs one of the pillows and shakes it.

I guess he is showing us how protective he is! Then he feels he should be rewarded and eats a single kibble.

Of course, given time, the pillow was shook up and worn out.

One day Miriam was determined that she would make a new pillow.

When I was a kid I did a fair amount of sewing, and I had a sewing machine in my studio in graduate school (used it too), and maybe I will take up simple sewing one day, but now I just watch.

So we went out to the fabric store and we looked and looked for the perfect piece of fabric, and we finally found it.

In the past, making a pillow like that would have been an hour project at most. This time it did not work. She said the machine did not work right and then she just gave up.

Her skills at this point, were not up to her plan, her small time dream.

The sewing machine is sitting on a chair, the fabric folded up and put some where else.

I did not mention it to her at all, and one day I’ll put the sewing machine away and she will not miss it.

It hurts.

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