Monday, August 3, 2009

steam and roast

Some years ago we went to dinner with our photographer friend Dale.

I had steamed vegetables with rice. It was wonderful. The first time in my life I had vegetables steamed.

So, years later when I took over the cooking in our house, I remembered that occasion, and how wonderful it was. We had a steamer, and I put it to work.

Now, a year or so later, I have steamed everything, even frozen vegetables.

Miriam’s dad once joked that Marie (his wife, Miriam’s mother) burned more food than he could eat. Marie would put a pan of food on to heat and turn the stove on high -- she thought it would heat faster. The trick was to catch it at the right second and turn the heat down or off. She was frequently distracted. Bright green veggies were easily turned into grey-green caricatures of their origin, or burned beyond recognition!

So, I began to steam veggies. I like them a bit crisp yet and with full color.

One day I was talking to Dea on the phone about food and she suggested oven roasting vegetables. She said that when she did zucchini her kids asked for more, not something we don’t often hear with zucchini. She had several suggestions about other veggies.

I do not own a grill, but one source said that anything you could do on a grill you could do in an oven. While I have reservations about the surety of that line, it sounds good to me!

So I have been oven roasting veggies that I do not steam. I even have been roasting corn on the cob. It is delightful.

This morning for breakfast we had a big plate of oven roasted potatoes with half a Walla Walla sweet onion, sliced julienne style, with a bit of green pepper on top. I did not have to but we each had a fried egg and side dish of frozen apricots.

I am learning that everything does not go into the oven at the same time. This morning I should have added the peppers about 4 or 5 minutes before taking it all out of the oven.

Next time I think I will slice some tofu into strips and roast those strips with the veggies. Hmm.

Might even saute them a bit first. Hmm again.


Unknown said...

I really like steamed stuff myself.

My new favorite way to cook eggs is to first saute onion and green pepper and then add egg(s) right on top without breaking the yolk(s). Then I cover the plan with a plate and turn the heat down. The eggs then steam but mix with the flavors of the onions and green peppers.

Apparently there is something bad about cooking broken yolks that you avoid with this method. I need to research to see exactly what the issue is.

I used to have this big clay pot that I used to cook vegetables in the oven. It steamed. But beats me where that thing is.

Creatrix Dea said...

I LOOOOOVE eggs with vegetables for breakfast!
I make scrambles a lot, but sometimes I'll get the veggies all looking like I like them and crack the egg on top just like you mention, flintysooner.