Wednesday, November 4, 2009

back home

We are back in our house again.

Spending time with Lynda’s mom was hardly a chore. She is a delightful lady, who, at almost 90 is legally blind, but has a good mind and a great memory.

The names here get complex. This is David my good friend. His wife is Lynda, who is not to be confused with my daughter Linda / Lia. We were staying in David and Lynda’s house looking after Lynda’s mother Dixie.

Grandma and Miriam made a good combination. Grandma could remember and Miriam could see. Lynda left me a 3 page set of instructions and I think we hit on all the high spots, but missed a few of the others, I am afraid. But, if we missed something important, grandma would remind us. That was good.

The biggest inconvenience for me was to have to cook in some one else’s kitchen yet again. I solved that partially by bringing frozen foods from home. Grandma said she liked my soups. I am glad. Not that she is hard to please. Miriam, as usual, did the cleanup and dishwashing. David will now have to find where she put things.

During the day, after breakfast, I would leave grandma and Miriam and go back to my house to work. We live about 3 or 4 blocks away, so traveling back and forth was not an issue

I do not often get time without Miriam around, so I made the most of it, clearing out a storage space and even giving away some of her unworn clothes. She won’t let me do any of that when she is around.

Like all trips, no matter where or how pleasant, it is good to be home. Glad David and Lynda had a safe trip.

I am glad David will be here through the winter.


Anonymous said...

It is good to have friends. It is better to have friends that go above and beyond. Thank you, Dave and Miriam. My appreciation for your efforts is matched only by your generosity of spirit. It is good to be home!

Creatrix Dea said...

I had been thinking, Dad, and realized I hadn't yet said, I am realllly glad for you, too, that David will be there for the winter. I know it's not about you, but you do benefit!!