Thursday, November 5, 2009

emily called

Yesterday Emily called.

She was walking from her house to the bus stop and as she often does, she called.

She was all bubbling about what a beautiful day it was in Portland and how much she loved fall and fall weather and how much she loved her school (her 3rd high school in two years). She was so happy, and I wished I could have walked with her and then give her a hug just before she got on the bus.

Her attitude was contagious. It was a good day here too. There was sun shine.

Indeed, fall is beautiful.

Life and fall, is what you make it, I think.

Thanks Emily.


arutherford said...

It is amazing how our attitudes (good or bad) are contagious. We should all smile more and spread the joy. ;-}

Creatrix Dea said...

You know how much fuss there is to figure out one's purpose in life. Several years ago I decided/realized/saw/took on that my purpose is to spread as much joy as I possibly can, that each person I make smile has a ripple affect in a profound way bigger than any "successful" published book.
Go Emily.