Saturday, February 6, 2010

julia and wally

Julia was a member of my church.

She came to this town to be with her daughter, who was fighting cancer. Daughter did not make it, but Julia stayed. She met Wally and they married and seemed to have a good marriage.

A week or so ago Julie, who was in her late 80's went to the hospital and didn't walk out.

There was a small service. I did not attend, I was going to, but then I got time confused. One of Julia's daughters I new a long time ago. She had at least one son.

After the service Wally went with the daughter to Tennessee while the son put himself to the task of closing up the house. The church was called and a lot of church people put in a lot of time getting things repurposed. Son rented a medium sized U Haul and loaded it carefully. A big dumpster took the remaining.

I hauled a few loads of furniture to storage, until they could be given to people in need.

And Wally had gone with what he could carry. His tools and his fishing gear and what was left of his life was taken apart and repurposed.

I liked Wally. I will miss him. I cannot imagine one leaving the last of their dear possessions without a mental battle. I am told that some day, if I should be so unlucky to live so long, all of my possessions will fit inside a drawer in a nursing home.

As I go through my tools, I ask: “Will I ever use this again?” frequently the answer is NO. I don't know how much life I have left, but there is a whole list of things I am not going to do again.

Same for Wally, I fear.

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