Wednesday, October 27, 2010

cutting wood

It's fall, no question about it.

Monday is November 1, in case I need to be reminded.

This week I dug the potatoes, brought in the squash and pumpkins, husked the flour corn and generally got ready for cold weather.

A day or two ago this morning was forecast for 27, but right now (7 am) it is 36.

Still cold temps are inevitable.

I should be making plans to go south for the winter, but frankly, as long as I don't have to work in it, I rather enjoy winter!

Yesterday I worked on getting firewood in, today I will continue that endeavor. I should get by on two cords of wood, but I try to have at least 3 in the shed when cold weather begins.

I have a big pile of pallets that I got free from various sources. That is my back up wood supply, but this year, I want to make that pile significantly smaller.

So cut and stack.

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