Friday, January 14, 2011

welcome visit

Daughter one rolled into town this evening.

She is here for a long weekend to do a bit of help dealing with her mother, and to give the old guy (me) something close to a break.

Like most people we have too much stuff.

Educated people have books (education and degrees are not always the same). We have been a reading family for several generations (my grandfather was a book seller). So books pile up.

And blankets.

When we get the down bedroom up and going that will use a few of these blankets, but we have a pile.

And since a granddaughter used to spend a LOT of time here there is all of the minutia that surrounds a preteen girl. The problem is that so much of this has a heart string tied somewhere.

It is not as easy to clear out as it seems.

That is why I asked Daughter One to work with her mother on that one. No one knows how it will go. They could get a lot done and Miriam might be difficult, really stubbornly so.

Often her daughters and granddaughters can charm her better than I.

So we will see.

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