Friday, March 18, 2011

early up

I am up early this morning.

Way too early, and I will pay later. It is the staying asleep part that I have troubles with, hence these early hours.

One of my neighbors goes to work early. That is OK, but he starts his car and let's it idle while he showers, eats breakfast, combs his hair, walks the dog and does his taxes.

In short that car will idle for a long, long time.

In my subterranean home, I can feel the vibrations of the engine. It is a big engine, probably a V8 and it throbs.

Around here, any caring about the natural world that surrounds and sustains us is considered un-American, so I should not worry, or think of impinging on this man's freedom.

And I don't wish to maim is freedom, but I do wonder about his wisdom and his logic.

When I get up this early, I might start a fire in the stove. I really should. But, usually when I get up very early, I go back to bed after an hour and a half or two, and it would waste firewood to build a fire and abandon it, so my logic goes.

Instead I get out my 1979 North Face Cats Meow sleeping bag and cuddle inside it while sitting in my recliner. The Meow has done well though the years. It was good for it's 20 degree rating for a couple of decades, but now I use it to avoid building a fire.

Oh well.

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