Wednesday, March 16, 2011

restrooms etc

Grandparent weekend was a big deal.

The grandparent to student ratio was pretty high, maybe 1/1, when you remember that most students had two grandparents, at least.

When I went to check out and give my room key back at the end of the weekend. I had my checkbook ready to pay for the room (the earlier information was that there was a small charge). But when I went to pay the kind girls dean said: “There is no charge for Grandparents.”

I am sure they would appreciate it if a few grandparents left checks that had a lot of zeros left of the decimal point, but nothing was ever said that direction. I did leave a check, but I am afraid it did not have any where enough of those zeros.

One interesting thing happened.

We stayed in the girls dorm. They have a section that has doors keeping it separate from the rest of the dorm. Guys (even Grandguys) are not allowed past that door without an announcement: “Man on 2nd floor.”

The bathroom in the part where we stayed was for women, of course, but while we were there it was re-designated for the men visitors. The proper women’s restroom was past those big doors and down the hall.

I sent Miriam down there a couple of times, then had to get someone to go rescue her. She would make the wrong turns and end up the wrong way.

So I decided I would take her into the mens bathroom instead.

There was a stall right by the door. I would announce my intentions, in case one of the other stalls was occupied, and then usher Miriam into the end stall by the door.

That is the proper way to handle that detail of life when you are with a handicapped person, as I am told. For durn sure I am not going to go into the Women’s room for any reason other than tile repair.

It worked well and we got to spend a good bit of time with granddaughter Jessica. It was a good weekend.


Unknown said...

LOL!!! I wondered how my infinitely creative father would handle that bathroom situation.

As one father put it, UCA girls dorm isn't "family friendly".

Once again, you rose to the occasion... I APPLAUD you loudly.

D#1 - Arline

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, now that Matt has his OWN computer, I can reclaim THIS one and get to use my own account? What a thought!


dave said...

In time he will be giving you his "old" computer!