Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the Steves

I guess you could say I am an Apple guy.

There are three Mac computers in my house, along with two iPods, and an iPhone.

So I pay a bit of attention to the company.

In case you don’t remember, Apple Computer was formed by two Steves: Jobs and Wozniak. The Steve with the long name is portly and seemingly jolly. He is not an active participant in the company right now, but he has a big pile of bucks.

Jobs is the 45th wealthiest person in America. Besides his Apple holdings, he is a part owner of Disney, (7%) thanks to the sale of Pixar, which Jobs owned.

Said gently, both Steves have more than they can easily spend, unless they buy a country.

Right now Jobs is on medical leave, not his first.

He can afford the best medical care in the world. That may do the trick or it may not, no one knows yet.

All of that makes me very thankful for good health. Money is fine, but Health is “more fine.”

By the way Jobs is a Pescetarian. I had to look that one up. A pescetarian is a lacto-ova vegetarian who eats fish and seafood. When People find out I am a vegetarian they often ask if I eat fish. Now I will answer: “No, I am not a pescetarian!”

Hmm. My great grandfather was a Presbyterian, though.

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