Saturday, January 19, 2013


Yesterday was Miriam's birthday.

It was one of those numbers that Meredith Willson associated with trombones! Let you figure that one out!

She got a shower in the morning and afternoon we went to a restaurant for her birthday dinner. We were the guests of my aunt (my mother's baby sister) and uncle.

It was good. We had a good time. The food was good, though not quite as wonderful as the price, oh well.

Of course by the time we got home Miriam could not remember we had even eaten. That is how my life works now.

Today we are sitting side by side in the white leather chairs that we brought with us when we left our Idaho home. (Daughter 4 bought the leather set new and bequeathed it to us a few years ago, so it has been well used and well loved.)

I hold her hand.

That hand fit into my hand so easily so many years ago and still does.

She cannot remember who I am for sure. She thinks I am her brother.

I cry.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Miriam,
There were 76 trombones and I was 12 when that movie came out. My big brother and my sister in law took me to the movie. Always my favorite.

My sister in law is now gone. My brother is 81 and I miss my sister in law more than anyone can know.

Hold on to your family. And know that if Miriam thinks you're her brother, well that's not such a bad thing.


dave said...

"The Music Man" was a crazy story, but had wonderful music.

Family is often all we have. Flawed though we all are, we are better together than separated, I think.