Thursday, November 15, 2007

lawyer day

Today was lawyer day.

My daughters are sure that I need to have all the paper work in place, so in the wild case that I go first they would be able to seamlessly take over Miriam’s care. Not a bad idea, in the abstract.

So we contacted my favorite elder law lawyer. Two daughters came down and the three of met with lawyer Michelle. It went good. We decided I should go for custodianship of Miriam, as there were some advantages later.

So we did paper work. Miriam’s doctor Jocele did paper work, and today two lawyers, Michelle and another came and interviewed Miriam.

Frankly I was frightened by all of this. Miriam is very bright and the fact that she has Alzheimer's does not maker her a dolt. If she caught on what was going on, I was sure she would be furious.

So, I told her earlier that the meeting was about life insurance, which is pretty much right. This morning I told her to dress a bit better than every day, so she put her 2nd best pant suit on and looked good.

The lawyers arrived (in a very fine looking Audi coupe -- part of the fee, I guess), I primed them of my story and they came in the house. Miriam was talkative as ever. She repeated herself often enough so they were not going to question the doctor or me.

Finally, they ask her if it was OK with her if I (dave) took care of her legal matters for her. “I trust Dave. He will do the best for me.”

Wow, was all I could say (to myself). I will take good care of her, that is what you do for your favorite person, but it is so good to hear her agree that I can and should.

Thank you God.


nancy said...

you went through a very difficult and emotional process today. i'm glad it went smoothly for you.

i agree with your daughters, as hard as it was, it was very prudent. God bless you!

~Betsy said...

I'm glad all of the legal stuff went well, Dave. It's so hard to walk the fine line of noting our LO's illness without insulting them in the process.

I also agree with your daughters - a wise move.